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Xin vui lòng Đăng ký hoặc Đăng nhập mới có thể sử dụng đầy đủ chức năng diễn đàn. Việc Đăng ký hoàn toàn miễn phí!

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hoàng ưng

Đỗ Văn Cầm, nom de guerre Hoàng Cầm (April 30, 1920 – August 19, 2013), was a Vietnamese general.
He was born in Cao Sơn, Ứng Hòa, Hà Đông. He led the 4th Corps (Vietnam People's Army) (NVA IV) against the South Vietnamese in the 1974 battle of Phuoc Long.There is another by the name of Hoàng Cầm (1916–1996), who was a soldier inventor of the Viet Minh Hoàng Cầm stove.

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