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cổ lăng phong

Dạ cổ hoài lang (Vietnamese: [zâːˀ ko᷉ hwâːj laːŋ], "Night Drum Beats Cause Longing for Absent Husband", Chữ Hán: 夜鼓怀郎) is a Vietnamese song, composed circa 1918 by songwriter Cao Văn Lầu, colloquially known as "ông Sáu Lầu," from Bạc Liêu. It was a massive hit across Vietnam in 1927 as it was taken up by travelling troupes and spawned many variants, versions and imitators.The song "Dạ cổ hoài lang" was the first song in what became known as the defining vọng cổ ("longing") melody of the nhạc tài tử ("amateur music") genre of cai luong ("reformed") music that for many people ông Sáu Lầu's "Dạ cổ hoài lang" is vọng cổ.

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